Person records Triangle UFO over Oklahoma 

An individual in Oklahoma has posted a timelapse video of a Triangle UFO or a formation of UFOs over the night sky.

Triangle. Okc, ok last Friday. Timelapse iPhone (15 min of coverage)
byu/pard0nm3 inUFOs

I’ve been watching the skies every night for about a year. I check radars every time I go out and only take video of objects not on radar. I’ve seen objects move side to side up and down in ways they shouldn’t and I’ve seen objects that move slow and are likely satellites. This video I went into my jacuzzi for about 15 mins and took a time lapse and didn’t pay attention to the sky. I reviewed and noticed this triangle formation moving left to right. Taken last Friday.

Btw im just a normal citizen, attorney who posts every once in awhile. The gov is obviously lying to us about something.. all you have to do is go outside and watch for 20 mins a night and I guarantee you’ll see something you can’t explain. I’m not special I just decided to make my own decision with respect to this subject based on simply watching the skies.